I don’t like bugs. I mean, ladybugs and butterflies are cool, but I certainly don’t want any in my house! Ah, but then there’s Chase. He loves all of God’s creatures- especially bugs! It’s crazy to see how my perspective and tolerance have changed over the years since he was born. Who would have thought we’d pay money to buy fruit flies?! You should see how hard I’ve tried to get rid of them in the past! Granted, these new ones are flightless and contained in a jar, but still.
I think it all started with an ant farm. A gel one, that also served as a nightlight. It was completely self contained, though, and actually really cool! But, then these other bugs started making their way into our house via Chase. I felt that if I didn’t allow some of the bug collecting and containing to go on, then I’d be finding them in pockets and lunch boxes. So, I donated a mason jar to keep them in place. That one jar has grown to a whole table full, but I have to admit that for the most part, it’s pretty cool. I never knew ladybugs went through so many stages of development! Okay, I’m sure I learned that back in school, but there’s nothing like seeing it all take place. I am amazed at how much detail and complexity God put into such tiny creatures!

As you may imagine, with all these bugs coming into the house- some of them don’t make it. First, there was the beetle. It appeared one winter evening, scurrying across the floor as Chase was playing with his Thomas The Train set. A perfect passenger for that cargo hauler! Chase caught that beetle, plopped it in the back of the train, and away it went! Chase was thrilled! The beetle- not so much. I never knew beetles could jump, but this one sure did. All it wanted was to escape, despite Chase’s constant encouragement. “Doing great, Beetle! You’re doing great!” I can’t imagine what was going on in that little bug brain, the beetle certainly didn’t think it was great. And he wasn’t doing too great after one too many escapes, when Chase decided he had to go. The dead bugs make their way into the stinky water jar. Under no circumstances should you ever accept the offer to smell the contents of this jar! It is NASTY! In fact, it pushes on my tolerance and when I get a whiff of something disgusting and my nose leads me to that place- the jar goes. But, a new one always emerges.
Sometimes I’m sad to see the bugs go, but then I remind myself they are bugs! Most of us spend a lot of time trying to rid our homes of them. We do not have pesticides around like most people- we have Chase! In fact, a couple of years ago, he started finding a new type of beetle in the garden. He began filling a new jar with them, and soon came to me with one of his bug books, and pointed out the same beetle in his book- The Colorado Potato Beetle! A terrible bug for your garden! My creep out instincts started kicking in thinking about all those nasty things filling up that jar. So, after some talk about what a pest they were, we decided it was time for a cookout! Roasted Beetle! Now, a few years later we have yet to see another one of those nasty guys in our garden. Organic Pest Control at it’s finest!
One day he came in with a white thing that looked like a wad of cotton- Spider eggs! I bet you’ve seen one somewhere along the way under a log or bike seat, or in a dark, creepy corner. He brought it in and put it in his Creature Peeper to see if it would hatch. I might have been secretly hoping it didn’t, I mean- SPIDERS?! After a couple of weeks, though, to Chase’s delight- Tons of tiny spiders appeared! YIKES and COOL at the same time! We wondered what kind they were and I hoped I hadn’t just aided in the hatching of a bunch of black widows! Chase offered them a dead beetle to eat, and we watched them crawl around and grow for about a week- then all activity stopped. To be honest, I was relieved. That was pushing me to my max!
There are a few places I draw the line! Even though Chase has become an expert (for the most part) at keeping his bugs contained, there are just some things I can’t take. We were outside working one day when Chase came to me with something cupped in his hands, excitedly pleading, “Please let me keep it, Mommy! It’s so cute! It’s just a baby! It has NO GERMS! I promise! Oh please can I keep it? Will you get me a jar?” I’ve learned to check out the merchandise before I commit, so he opened his hands and to my horror- he was holding a baby mouse! Mice and cockroaches are a no go for me! I looked to my husband for help, he knows my limitations! We told him he couldn’t bring it inside. But, he still pleaded. I could feel a battle brewing, but by then it was about time for the guys to head to the ranch shop and do some work. He talked his Daddy into letting him bring the mouse over to show Grandma. Chase went over and proudly showed her the mouse. She looked it over, then told him to show it to the curious chicken, who promptly ate it! Way to go Grandma! And way to go chicken! Although, that’s kind of disgusting to think that a chicken ate that thing, and I might eat her eggs- but let’s not go there. Let’s just be relieved the mouse is gone, shall we?
You are probably thinking I’m a crazy momma for tolerating this bug activity- and I am. But, when you look at the alternative, like that baby mouse- bugs really aren’t so bad! I love Chase enough to put up with his bugs, and I am reminded of 2 Corinthians 12:9, “My Grace is Sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” I feel God has given me the grace to tolerate the bugs- and I am so glad God tolerates all that He does for me!
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Chase was so little in that “kissing beetle” picture. I am very excited for him to come to school next year and to get to know his large personality. I can’t believe how big the girls are getting, more beautiful every time I see them. Jack still talks about Cody… what a handsome young man he is becoming. We sure miss your family at Shawnee but hope the kids are enjoying school in town.
P.S. You are turning into quite the builder, GREAT work!! Everything looks awesome!!
Thanks, Brandi! We miss you guys, too! Looking forward to seeing more of you next year also 🙂