Every spring, we raise a new batch of baby chicks to supplement Brad’s parents’ little flock of laying hens. It is so much fun- despite the extra work and lots of dust in the house! Once the weather turns cold in the fall, we send the chickens over to Brad’s parents’, where they have a great setup to keep chickens through the winter.
This year, we decided to keep our own flock here year round- which meant it was time to build a new coop! You know how much I love to build things!! π I searched through tons of ideas online to create the best, cozy little chicken home possible. I liked the concept of Carolina Coops, so with that in mind- we got to work. I wanted to use as much lumber as we already had lying around, to spend the least amount of money possible, and also wanted the coop insulated to keep the ladies cozy all winter.
Brad, Cody, and Shelby set posts in the ground to get it started, and my Dad came out to help me build the coop! It was a mostly fun process, ha! We had our moments- mostly due to my “winging it” style, and using a lot of reclaimed lumber- which provides plenty of its own challenges. But overall, the process was super fun and I loved the time spent building with my Dad!
Chase testing out the chicken door. We decided if the chickens don’t work out- this place makes a pretty great hang out spot! π
Anyway, we ordered chicks in the mail- which is a very fun process you should totally try if you ever get the chance! And set out to give them a place to go once they outgrew their brooder box. We also ordered Guineas for the first time, which I love! π
Fast forward to September- the ladies are growing up and loving their new home and we are checking daily for eggs to begin appearing in the nesting box! I planted several wooden eggs to inspire the ladies, and pretty soon we start by getting one egg a day! Then, the daily egg became four, then two, then five and we were excited to find two sweet girls in the nesting box one morning when Chase and I were out doing chores. We had planned to refill the pine shavings in the nesting boxes, but decided to leave the laying ladies in peace and refill later.
On the way back to the house I hear the little victory cluck of a hen who has laid an egg. Have you heard this sound? It is quite glorious, usually a short little shout out to the world- “Hey y’all! I laid an egg!” We have raised chickens enough that I have heard this sound many times in the past, but this being the first time I’d heard it from these new girls, I stopped to listen. Then, I began to giggle- this sweet girl didn’t give the usual short shout out- she gave a whole song! About 40 seconds in, I decide to pull out my phone and video this victory song just in time to catch the tail end and see Little Miss Proud herself come stand in the doorway of the coop, dance on one leg and sing a little more before quieting down, and going back out into the world to carry on with her day. By then Chase had joined me, and we chuckled at how proud that girl was. “It must be her first egg”, I said.
And Chase’s response was perfect. “She’s so proud of herself for laying that one little egg, and everyone else on the farm is like, ‘Well, duh that’s your purpose!'”
It hit me then, that’s just it- this girl was living out her God-given purpose and she was FULFILLED! Not just fulfilled, but SAT-IS-FIED! Even a chicken can find the satisfaction in living out the purpose God designed her for! Are you living out yours? God designed you with a purpose, and no matter how big or small it may seem, you will find a fulfillment and satisfaction in living out that purpose that nothing else in this world can ever give you! Wherever you’re at, I hope you find the thing God made you to do, and do it- even if it’s as simple as laying one glorious little egg a day! π

Wherever you’re at, I hope you find the thing God made you to do, and do it! π
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