Our Cabin

So, we love camping! But, sleeping on the ground is not so kind to my back- and it seems every time we camp, it rains! We knew it was time to replace our tent the last time we used it- when the rain came pouring through and it wasn’t long before you couldn’t tell the inside from the outside! Memorable for sure- but not the most fun. We did get a couple of new tents, but we always go to the same spot on our ranch that we just love! So many great places to hike and explore around there. So, when Brad got a crazy good deal on a couple of little, used, oilfield buildings- we decided to make one a cabin! (He gave me the other building for a shop, which I LOVE!!)

He is a total stud, and when it got too rough for the semi he was hauling it in on, he pulled it the rest of the way with the tractor- he always knows how to make it happen!Once he got the little building in the perfect spot, it was time to start making it a cabin!So thankful for cordless tools allowing me to work anywhere! Can’t beat the view from this job site!There was one door that got pretty beat up in transport, so we wired it shut and built the bed against it. I based the concept for the bed on some of Ana White’s Tiny House ideas. The building already had lights wired in, but the spot we decided on is way too far from electricity, so we will not connect them. We also are far from water- so we basically have a super sturdy tent here 😉 I also used Ana’s plans for the outhouse. One of our favorite things about the cabin is the big garage-style door that opens up to a spectacular view! We’ve still got some work to do on the place, but it is cozy enough we have been getting a lot of enjoyment out of it!!I realize now this may be considered “Glam-ping”, but we love it!! It’s so awesome to have everything all set up and we can go camping without too much prep. We love to explore the area around the cabin- so many amazing spots around here!! We love getting out and enjoying the beauty God has created here! It is even better after a cozy night’s sleep 😉 We call this “The Eye of the Needle”, and you have to pass through it to get to the cave.We love hiking to this cave and look forward to the day we can find out the mystery of who carved their initials in the side many, many years ago!Another favorite spot, “Horse Tooth” is a drive and a hike away from the cave.We love coming back to food cooked over the fire, and a game or two of cards 🙂Our dog, Bodie, is the biggest card shark of all! Oh, wait- I guess he’s just here for the  peanuts 😉We sure love this spot, our little cabin, and all the memories already made here!!

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2 thoughts on “Our Cabin

  • November 21, 2017 at 1:39 pm

    Awesome, Heather!!! Maybe sometime we can go out to your cabin!!!?❤️❤️

    • November 21, 2017 at 7:43 pm

      Yes, Aunt Judy! We’d love to get you there for sure!!


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