Hi There! Thanks for checking out my latest project! This one has been on my mind for a long time, and I’ve finally gotten around to tackling it. I love how these Sliding Barn Doors for the hall closet turned out!
I’ve got pictures here, and the full plans, including DIY hardware over at Build Something! Have you checked them out yet? Tons of great inspiration and free plans there!
For over a decade we’ve had no doors on this hall closet, and while it has motivated me to keep it tidy, I’d way rather look at these Rustic Sliding Barn Doors!
I’ll show you some pics here, but you can head on over to Build Something for the full tutorial 🙂
Here is my before-

I found my pulleys on Amazon here.
Here are a few shots of how it came together.
So much better now, Right?! Thanks again for stopping by! Check out the full tutorial on Build Something here. Have a great day!!
More DIY Barn Door Hardware in this post 🙂
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I was wondering about the Steel bar you are using, i understand that you have 1″ for the door hardware and 2″ for the track but what is the thickness of the steel bar? Also are those 3″ pulleys you used?
Thanks and keep on working that wood
Hi Chad! The steel bars I used are 1/4″ thick. You could get away with 1/8″ thickness on the 1″ bar for the doors, but that would be a little light for your 2″ track bar, so I’d stick with 1/4″ on the track. Yes, the pulley wheels are 3″. Thanks for checking out my tutorial, let me know if you have any other questions. I’d love to see how your project turns out! Have a great day 🙂
Hi I was just wondering what you used to drill the holes in the steel? Thanks in advance! Also great tutorial I’ve been trying to figure out a cheaper way to do the hardware!!!
Hi Stephanie! Thank you! I used a drill press to drill through the steel, but you could also use a regular drill with a good metal bit. Clamping the steel down will help make it easier. I’d love to see how your project turns out!